From Concept To Reality, L.L.C.
FCTR(tm) FCTRFTxt.DLL (v1.0)
What is it?

FCTR(tm) FCTRFTxt.DLL is a nifty little DLL written in Visual C++ Win32 platforms. It's been tested under Windows NT 4.0 (Service Pack 6a). This DLL can be used to format text for database entry, as well as extracting time and date information from text.

"So what?" you ask?

Well, for starters, FCTR(tm) FCTRFTxt.DLL will automatically expand abbreviations, such as "pob" to "P.O. Box". It will also capitalize the first letter of each word, for specific types of styles. It will automatically format various time and date styles, as well as return the numeric values of the time/date text. It is even capable of performing time/date math, so you can create a Quickbooks-like date field that allows the "-" and "+" keys to change the date.

How much does it cost?

It doesn't cost anything to try, but if you use this DLL in a program, please send US $25.00 to the address below. Registered users don't timeout after five minutes of program use.

How do I install it?

Once you've downloaded it, use a program like WinZIP to unZIP the file to your Window's SYSTEM32 directory.

NOTE: Windows NT users may need Administrator rights to install FCTR(tm) FCTRFTxt.DLL.

How do I use it?

I have included in the ZIP file an Adobe Acrobat PDF document describing the entire API (it's only a few calls) and one Visual Basic 5 program, TestFTxt, used to test all the functions of the DLL.

How do I UNINSTALL it?

Why would you want to do that?

No, really. How do I UNINSTALL it?

Just delete FCTRFTxt.DLL.

How do I download it?

We strive to achieve the highest level of quality while creating software. However, it is impossible to test software under all conditions, so while we do our best to make error-free software, we can not make the assumption you will not have any problems. So before you download and install this program, please read the following:

1. From Concept To Reality, L.L.C. (FCTR) makes no warranty of any kind, express or implied, with respect to this software product which is the subject of this agreement, and specifically makes no warranty that said product shall be merchantable or fit for any particular purpose. Futhermore, any description of said product shall not be deemed to create an express warranty that such product shall conform to the description. (There is no warranty of any kind for the FCTR(tm) FCTRFTxt.DLL program.)

2. Receiver assumes all risk and liability for loss, damage, claims or expense resulting from use, possession or resale of this software product furnished by FCTR pursuant to this agreement. (Use at your own risk.)

3. Receiver agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless FCTR, its officers, agents, and employees from and against any and all claims, liability, loss, damage or expense, including reasonable attorney's fees, arising from or by reason of receivers' use, possession or resale with respect to this software product furnished by FCTR pursuant to this agreement, and such obligation shall survive acceptance of said product therefore by receiver. (You aren't going to sue FCTR in case FCTR(tm) FCTRFTxt.DLL damages anything.)

4. Receiver agrees that it will not advertise, order for sale, or sell this software product furnished hereunder for any amount for which he/she received said product from FCTR. (You can give the FCTR(tm) FCTRFTxt.DLL program away, but you can't sell it, nor can you share registration codes with unregistered users.)

5. This agreement constitutes the complete and final agreement of the parties hereto.

CLICK HERE if you completely agree and wish to download FCTR(tm) FCTRFTxt.DLL.

What do I do if I have problems?

We do offer limited E-Mail support for this program for unregistered users. Registered users will get premium E-Mail support.

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